Mexico City, Mexico
“the metropolis that has it all”
Mexico City Travel Tips
Things to Know
Tipping: Customary 10-15% (in restaurants and bars)
Getting Around:
Uber (it is extreamly cheap and very easy)
The Metro: very safe and conventient and about 5 mexican pesos per ride. Also if you are solo female, there are women only cars.
Electrical Outlets: Same as the US (types A & B)
Currency: The Mexican Peso.
Make sure if you want to eat street food that you have cash on you.
Clothes to pack:
Bring layers, at night it can get chilly but during the day it is beautiful
Women dress up a bit at night, so trendy clothes are always encouraged at night
During the day very casual, summer dress, jeans and a cute top.
Where to Stay:
We loved condesa and stayed near the hippodromo would highly recommend. This is not full condesa tourist but is where the locals who live in condesa live.
Roma Norte, Condesa, Hippodromo are all great to stay in
Words to Know
¡Buenos días! - Good morning!
¿Cómo estás? - How are you?
Bien, ¿y tú? - Well, how about you?
Buenas tardes - good afternoon
Buenas noches - good evening
Hola - hello
Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?
Por favor – please
Gracias – thank you
Yo (no) entiendo – I (don’t) understand
¿Habla inglés? – Do you speak English?
Yo quiero una cerveza (vino) - i want a beer (wine)
¿Dónde está el baño? – Where is the bathroom?
Propina: Tip