Edinburgh, Scotland
“Half a capital and half a country town, the whole city leads a double existence; it has long trances of the one and flashes of the other. It is half alive and half a monumental marble.”
Edinburgh Travel Tips
Transportation: Edinburgh is a very walkable city. Uber is also widely available. Public transport is convenient and reliable! It’s easy to get around in Edinburgh.
Tipping: Tipping is common, but not as expected as it is in the US. 10% is considered standard for good service at a restaurant with table service. At a coffee shop or pub, you can simply round your bill up.
Tap water: It is safe to drink! But the taps in Scotland are interesting (read: inconvenient). The hot and cold water come out of different taps! Want warm water? Nope. Only ice cold & scalding hot, separately. Don’t ask why.
Electrical Outlets: The outlets in Scotland are NOT the same as in the rest of Europe. (as of this writing, Scotland is still Europe) They use type G. The standard voltage is 230 V.
Language: English, of course! But that’s just the half of it. Don’t expect to understand every word you hear on the street. Scottish English is its own dialect. It can be spoken with a strong accent and plenty of words that you wont understand or hear anywhere else in the world. Gaelic isn’t spoken in the main population centers.